这东西思路网上都有,每次新进一个数,维护堆就行了。维护一次的复杂度是O(logN),对应整个数组的复杂度是O(N logN)
STL 堆相关的三个函数 make_heap(), push_heap(), pop_heap()
make_heap(first, last, comp)是建立堆的函数,输入的first, last对应begin()和end()的iterator,comp函数可选,与库中sort()用到的方法相同,自定义的时候比较两个元素x, y的偏序关系,返回true说明x应该排在前面。相关的有两个仿函数叫less<T>() 和greater<T>(),直接用来比较<和>关系的。
push_heap(first, last, comp)使用时,将新元素放在数组末尾(代表堆的末叶节点),然后调用这个函数更新堆,是一个sift-up的过程。
pop_heap(first, last, comp)会将堆顶元素调整到数组末尾用于pop,同时调整更新堆。
class MedianFinder { private: vector<int> maxHeap; // store values less than median vector<int> minHeap; // store values greater than median public: // Adds a number into the data structure. void addNum(int num) { int minSize = minHeap.size(); int maxSize = maxHeap.size(); if(maxSize == 0){ maxHeap.push_back(num); return; } if(num < maxHeap[0]){ maxHeap.push_back(num); push_heap(maxHeap.begin(), maxHeap.end()); if(maxSize > minSize) { pop_heap(maxHeap.begin(), maxHeap.end()); int popVal = maxHeap[maxHeap.size()-1]; maxHeap.pop_back(); minHeap.push_back(popVal); push_heap(minHeap.begin(), minHeap.end(), greater<int>()); } } else { minHeap.push_back(num); push_heap(minHeap.begin(), minHeap.end(), greater<int>()); if(minSize >= maxSize) { pop_heap(minHeap.begin(), minHeap.end(), greater<int>()); int popVal = minHeap[minHeap.size()-1]; minHeap.pop_back(); maxHeap.push_back(popVal); push_heap(maxHeap.begin(), maxHeap.end()); } } } // Returns the median of current data stream double findMedian() { if((maxHeap.size() + minHeap.size())%2 == 0){ //even num. if(maxHeap.empty() && minHeap.empty()) return 0.0; double sum = maxHeap[0] + minHeap[0]; return sum/2.0; } else { if(maxHeap.empty()) return 0.0; return (double)maxHeap[0]; } } }; // Your MedianFinder object will be instantiated and called as such: // MedianFinder mf; // mf.addNum(1); // mf.findMedian();