import glob
for filename in fileList:
Category: 不学无术
Lex 和 Yacc 是 UNIX 两个非常重要的、功能强大的工具。事实上,如果你熟练掌握
Lex 和 Yacc 的话,它们的强大功能使创建 FORTRAN 和 C 的编译器如同儿戏。
Ashish Bansal 为您详细的讨论了编写自己的语言和编译器所用到的这两种工具,包
括常规表达式、声明、匹配模式、变量、Yacc 语法和解析器代码。最后,他解释了
怎样把 Lex 和 Yacc 结合起来。
- 本文来源及参考资料:
1. 子集构造(Subset Construction)
这是一个转换NFA到DFA的算法。我们知道NFA和DFA的区别最主要的就是一个状态和一个input symbol是否能够确定一个状态的问题,对于NFA,它将确定一个组状态,而DFA将确定一个状态,因此,我们有一个很好的办法就是把NFA的状态集对应每个DFA的状态,这就是subset construction的思想,不过这只是大概泛泛而论,我们需要更加明确的认识
1) NFA在任何一个input symbol下,映射的状态集(通过move函数,这个集合通常用T字母表示)应该被知道
2) 必须保证1)中状态集都对应了DFA中的一个状态
Input : 一个NFA N
Output : 接受相同语言的DFA D
Method : 为D构架一个transition table(转换表) Dtran,每个DFA的状态是一个NFA的状态集合(这里一定要注意前面说过的1)2)两点)。我们定义一些操作:
s 表示NFA的状态,T 表示NFA的状态集合,a表示一个input symbol
ε-transition(ε转换)就是说input symbol为ε时的transition(转换)
操作(operation) |
描述(description) |
ε-closure(s) |
从NFA的状态s出发,只通过ε-transition到达的NFA的状态集合 |
ε-closure(T) |
NFA的集合T中的状态p,只通过ε-transition到达的NFA的状态集合,再求这些集合的交集。用数学表达就是 {p|p 属于 ε-closure(t) , t属于T} |
move(T,a) |
NFA的集合,这个集合在input symbol为a,状态为T中任意状态情况下,通过一个转换得到的集合 |
Subset Construction
while ( Dstates 有未标记的状态 T ) { // T是D中的一个状态,也是N中一个状态集
标记 T;
for ( input symbol a ){ // 遍历所有的input symbol
U = ε-closure(move(T, a)); // move为NFA的move函数
if ( U 不在 Dstates 中 )
Dtran[T, a] = U
ε-closure(0) = {0, 1, 2, 4, 7} // 从0状态出发的,input symbol为ε的所有状态的集合
ε-closure(3) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7}
ε-closure(8) = {8}
ε-closure( {3, 8} ) = ε-closure(3) U ε-closure(8) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8}
move(0,a) = 空
move(7,a) = {8}
move(8,b) = {9}
move( {0, 1, 2, 4, 7}, a) = move(0,a) U move(1,a) U move(2,a) U move(4,a) U move(7,a) = {3, 8}
ε-closure(T)的初始值为 T 中的所有元素 ; // 也就是一定包含他们本身
while( 栈非空 ) {
弹出栈顶元素 t ;
for( 每个属于 move(t, ε) 的状态 u ){
if( u 不在 ε-closure(T) 中 ){
u 加入 ε-closure(T);
把 u 入栈;
下面对上图如何使用Set Construction算法来构建DFA做一个详细的描述:
1. 初始化Dstates 把集合 ε-closure(s0) = {0, 1, 2, 4, 7}作为第一个状态,设此状态为 A
2. 现在转化,input symbol {a, b},因此,求:
ε-closure(move(A, a));
ε-closure(move(A, b));
ε-closure(move(A, a)) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8},设其为 B
ε-closure(move(A, b)) = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7}, 设其为C
改写 Dtrans
最终得到的 Dtrans 为:
A = {0, 1, 2, 4, 7}
B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8}
C = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7}
D = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9}
struct DFA_State { setcontent; bool bFlag; #ifdef _DEBUG uint idx; #endif DFA_State(const set & x) : content(x), bFlag(false) { #ifdef _DEBUG idx = inc(); #endif } inline const bool operator==(const DFA_State& x)const { if (&x == this) return true; return content == x.content; } #ifdef _DEBUG inline uint inc() { static uint i = 0; return i++; } #endif };
struct DFA_Edge { struct { Char_Type char_value; String_Type string_value; }data; enum Edge_Type { TUnknown = 0, TNot = 1, TChar = 2, TString = 4 }; uchar edge_type; DFA_State* pFrom; DFA_State* pTo; DFA_Edge(const Char_Type& x, bool bNot, DFA_State* pFrom, DFA_State* pTo) : pFrom(pFrom), pTo(pTo) { data.char_value = x; edge_type = bNot ? (TChar | TNot) : TChar; } DFA_Edge(const String_Type& x, bool bNot, DFA_State* pFrom, DFA_State* pTo) : pFrom(pFrom), pTo(pTo) { data.string_value = x; edge_type = bNot ? (TString | TNot) : TString; } inline const bool isNot()const { return (edge_type & TNot) == TNot; } inline const bool isChar()const { return (edge_type & TChar) == TChar; } inline const bool isString()const { return (edge_type & TString) == TString; } const Edge_Type edgeType()const { if (isChar()) return TChar; else if (isString()) return TString; else return TUnknown; } const bool operator<(const DFA_Edge& x)const { return (ulong)pFrom + pTo < (ulong)x.pFrom + x.pTo; } const bool operator==(const DFA_Edge& x)const { return pFrom == x.pFrom && pTo == x.pTo; } };
DFA_State* pDFAStart; setpDFAEnds; set dfa_Edges;
void epsilonClosure(const set& k, EpsilonClosureInfo& info) { for (typename set ::const_iterator i = k.begin(), m = k.end(); i != m; ++i) { info.states.insert(*i); set tmp; tmp.insert(*i); while (!tmp.empty()) { EpsilonNFA_State* pState = *tmp.begin(); for (typename vector ::const_iterator j = epsilonNFA_Edges[pState].begin(), n = epsilonNFA_Edges[pState].end(); j != n; ++j) { if (j->isEpsilon()) { if (info.states.insert(j->pTo).second) tmp.insert(j->pTo); } else if (j->isChar()) info.chars.insert(pair (j->data.char_value, j->isNot())); else if (j->isString()) info.strings.insert(pair (j->data.string_value, j->isNot())); } tmp.erase(pState); } } }
struct EpsilonClosureInfo { setstates; set > chars; set > strings; EpsilonClosureInfo() {} EpsilonClosureInfo(const set & states, const set >& chars, const set >& strings) : states(states) , chars(chars) , strings(strings) {} EpsilonClosureInfo(const EpsilonClosureInfo& x) { states = x.states; chars = x.chars; strings = x.strings; } };
setmove(const DFA_State& t, const Char_Type& c, bool bNot) { set result; for (typename set ::const_iterator i = t.content.begin(), m = t.content.end(); i != m; ++i) { for (typename vector ::const_iterator j = epsilonNFA_Edges[*i].begin(), n = epsilonNFA_Edges[*i].end(); j != n; ++j) { if (j->isChar() && j->data.char_value == c && j->isNot() == bNot) result.insert(j->pTo); } } return result; } set move(const DFA_State& t, const String_Type& s, bool bNot) { set result; for (typename set ::const_iterator i = t.content.begin(), m = t.content.end(); i != m; ++i) { for (typename vector ::const_iterator j = epsilonNFA_Edges[*i].begin(), n = epsilonNFA_Edges[*i].end(); j != n; ++j) { if (j->isString() && j->data.string_value == s && j->isNot() == bNot) result.insert(j->pTo); } } return result; }
void buildDFA() { setstart; start.insert(pEpsilonStart); typedef pair c_type; map > c; queue c2; pDFAStart = DFA_State_Alloc::allocate(); EpsilonClosureInfo info; epsilonClosure(start, info); construct(pDFAStart, info.states); c_type ct(pDFAStart, info); c[info.states.size()].push_back(ct); c2.push(ct); if (isEndDFAStatus(pDFAStart)) pDFAEnds.insert(pDFAStart); context.dfa_States.insert(pDFAStart); while (!c2.empty()) { DFA_State* t = c2.front().first; set > chars = c2.front().second.chars; set > strings = c2.front().second.strings; t->bFlag = true; for (typename set >::const_iterator i = chars.begin(), m = chars.end(); i != m; ++i) { EpsilonClosureInfo info; epsilonClosure(move(*t, i->first, i->second), info); DFA_State* p = getDFAState(info.states, c); if (p) // 如果这个状态已存在 { dfa_Edges.insert(DFA_Edge(i->first, i->second, t, p)); } else { DFA_State* pState = DFA_State_Alloc::allocate(); construct(pState, info.states); context.dfa_States.insert(pState); if (isEndDFAStatus(pState)) pDFAEnds.insert(pState); c_type ct(pState, info); c[info.states.size()].push_back(ct); c2.push(ct); dfa_Edges.insert(DFA_Edge(i->first, i->second, t, pState)); } } for (typename set >::const_iterator i = strings.begin(), m = strings.end(); i != m; ++i) { EpsilonClosureInfo info; epsilonClosure(move(*t, i->first, i->second), info); DFA_State* p = getDFAState(info.states, c); if (p) // 如果这个状态已存在 { dfa_Edges.insert(DFA_Edge(i->first, i->second, t, p)); } else { DFA_State* pState = DFA_State_Alloc::allocate(); construct(pState, info.states); context.dfa_States.insert(pState); if (isEndDFAStatus(pState)) pDFAEnds.insert(pState); c_type ct(pState, info); c[info.states.size()].push_back(ct); c2.push(ct); dfa_Edges.insert(DFA_Edge(i->first, i->second, t, pState)); } } c2.pop(); } }
void printDFA() { printf("---------- DFA Start ----------n"); settmp; for (typename set ::const_iterator i = dfa_Edges.begin(), m = dfa_Edges.end(); i != m; ++i) { printf("%03d -> %03d", i->pFrom->idx, i->pTo->idx); switch (i->edgeType()) { case DFA_Edge::TChar: printf("(%c)", i->data.char_value); break; case DFA_Edge::TString: printf("(%s)", i->data.string_value.c_str()); break; default: break; } if (i->isNot()) printf("(not)"); printf("n"); tmp.insert(i->pFrom); tmp.insert(i->pTo); } printf("start: %03d -> ends: ", pDFAStart->idx); for (typename set ::const_iterator i = pDFAEnds.begin(), m = pDFAEnds.end(); i != m; ++i) { printf("%03d ", (*i)->idx); } printf("n"); #if DEBUG_LEVEL == 3 printf("-------------------------------n"); for (typename set ::const_iterator i = tmp.begin(), m = tmp.end(); i != m; ++i) { printf("State: %03dn", (*i)->idx); for (typename set ::const_iterator j = (*i)->content.begin(), n = (*i)->content.end(); j != n; ++j) { printf("%03d ", (*j)->idx); } printf("n"); } #endif printf("----------- DFA End -----------n"); }
Rule_Type::Context context; Rule_Type a('a', context), b('b', context), d('d', context); Rule_Type result = (a - d).opt() + (+b | !(a + b)); result.buildDFA(); #ifdef _DEBUG result.printEpsilonNFA(); result.printDFA(); #endif


re -> NFA 正则表达式->不确定自动机
什么是正则表达式?首先我们看看什么是正则表达式。这个东东呢,一般用于描述一个字符串的集合——直接说就是一个正则表达式可能可以匹配一大堆字符串,而这一大堆字符串可以形成一个集合,它们的共同特征就是可以被这个正则表达式匹配。就像去死去死团,但是不同的是去死去死团的团员的共同特征是不被任何异性所匹配——但是这没关系,我们不妨取去死去死团的补集就行了。 Mar(y|k|cus) is son of bitch. 真是非常de省力,唯一的缺点是可能对方不知道你在说什么。
下面是第三个基本结构,被称为Kleene star (或者 Kleene 闭包)的。因为这个操作是Stephen Cole Kleene发明的。啊啊,其实正则表达式这个东西就是Kleene发明的。这个同学真是非常的牛B,因为他是更加牛B的 阿隆佐 – 丘奇 ( Alonzo Church )——历史上和阿兰 – 图灵 ( Alan Turing ) 并称的人物——的学生。有多牛B呢,这个Kleene还和他的老师,还有图灵,就递归论发表了论文,奠定了可计算理论的根基。啊哈哈哈,真是牛B啊。
当然咯,还有一些别的操作,比如我们知道的+,?,集合[]等等,但是这些操作都可以通过上面三个基本操作的组合来完成。 什么是NFA?要说NFA嘛,我得先说说DFA。所谓DFA,就是Deterministic Finite state Automata的简称。是状态机的一种。通俗的说,就是一大堆状态的集合,里面有一个初始状态和若干终止状态,每个状态可以有若干个输出边前往别的状态。但是要求每个状态的同一种输出边至多只有一个,所以自动机被称为是”Deterministic”的。 如何转换?刚才Shellex说了,正则表达式有三种基本结构。如果能先将这三种基本结构转换成对应的NFA,然后在用这三种基本结构去拼装成完整的NFA是不是很省力呢? PUSH a To automaton stack PUSH b To automaton stack UNION STAR PUSH c To automaton stack CONCAT PUSH d To automaton stack CONCAT POP result 里面的UNION,STAR 和 CONCAT就是三种基本结构的生成操作了。而这三种基本操作的实现是这样的: POP T from automaton stack CREATE state A, B ADD transition from A to B with 'ε' ADD transition from A to T.entry with 'ε' ADD transition from T.exit to A with 'ε' ADD transition from T.exit to B with 'ε' ADD state A, B to T PUSH T to automaton stack Concat: POP F, S from automaton stack ADD transition from F.exit to S.entry with 'ε' JOIN S to F SET F.exit = S.exit SET F.inputSet += S.inputSet PUSH F to automaton stack Union: POP F, S from automaton stack CREATE state A, B ADD transition from A to F.entry with 'ε' ADD transition from A to S.entry with 'ε' ADD transition from T.exit to B with 'ε' ADD transition from T.exit to B with 'ε' JOIN S to F ADD state A, B to T SET F.exit = S.exit SET F.inputSet += S.inputSet PUSH F to automaton stack |
/* Regular expression implementation. * Supports only ( | ) * + ?. No escapes. * Compiles to NFA and then simulates NFA * using Thompson's algorithm. * * See also and * Thompson, Ken. Regular Expression Search Algorithm, * Communications of the ACM 11(6) (June 1968), pp. 419-422. * * Copyright (c) 2007 Russ Cox. * Can be distributed under the MIT license, see bottom of file. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> /* * Convert infix regexp re to postfix notation. * Insert . as explicit concatenation operator. * Cheesy parser, return static buffer. */ char* re2post(char *re) { int nalt, natom; static char buf[8000]; char *dst; struct { int nalt; int natom; } paren[100], *p; p = paren; dst = buf; nalt = 0; natom = 0; if(strlen(re) >= sizeof buf/2) return NULL; for(; *re; re++){ switch(*re){ case '(': if(natom > 1){ --natom; *dst++ = '.'; } if(p >= paren+100) return NULL; p->nalt = nalt; p->natom = natom; p++; nalt = 0; natom = 0; break; case '|': if(natom == 0) return NULL; while(--natom > 0) *dst++ = '.'; nalt++; break; case ')': if(p == paren) return NULL; if(natom == 0) return NULL; while(--natom > 0) *dst++ = '.'; for(; nalt > 0; nalt--) *dst++ = '|'; --p; nalt = p->nalt; natom = p->natom; natom++; break; case '*': case '+': case '?': if(natom == 0) return NULL; *dst++ = *re; break; default: if(natom > 1){ --natom; *dst++ = '.'; } *dst++ = *re; natom++; break; } } if(p != paren) return NULL; while(--natom > 0) *dst++ = '.'; for(; nalt > 0; nalt--) *dst++ = '|'; *dst = 0; return buf; } /* * Represents an NFA state plus zero or one or two arrows exiting. * if c == Match, no arrows out; matching state. * If c == Split, unlabeled arrows to out and out1 (if != NULL). * If c < 256, labeled arrow with character c to out. */ enum { Match = 256, Split = 257 }; typedef struct State State; struct State { int c; State *out; State *out1; int lastlist; }; State matchstate = { Match }; /* matching state */ int nstate; /* Allocate and initialize State */ State* state(int c, State *out, State *out1) { State *s; nstate++; s = malloc(sizeof *s); s->lastlist = 0; s->c = c; s->out = out; s->out1 = out1; return s; } /* * A partially built NFA without the matching state filled in. * Frag.start points at the start state. * Frag.out is a list of places that need to be set to the * next state for this fragment. */ typedef struct Frag Frag; typedef union Ptrlist Ptrlist; struct Frag { State *start; Ptrlist *out; }; /* Initialize Frag struct. */ Frag frag(State *start, Ptrlist *out) { Frag n = { start, out }; return n; } /* * Since the out pointers in the list are always * uninitialized, we use the pointers themselves * as storage for the Ptrlists. */ union Ptrlist { Ptrlist *next; State *s; }; /* Create singleton list containing just outp. */ Ptrlist* list1(State **outp) { Ptrlist *l; l = (Ptrlist*)outp; l->next = NULL; return l; } /* Patch the list of states at out to point to start. */ void patch(Ptrlist *l, State *s) { Ptrlist *next; for(; l; l=next){ next = l->next; l->s = s; } } /* Join the two lists l1 and l2, returning the combination. */ Ptrlist* append(Ptrlist *l1, Ptrlist *l2) { Ptrlist *oldl1; oldl1 = l1; while(l1->next) l1 = l1->next; l1->next = l2; return oldl1; } /* * Convert postfix regular expression to NFA. * Return start state. */ State* post2nfa(char *postfix) { char *p; Frag stack[1000], *stackp, e1, e2, e; State *s; // fprintf(stderr, "postfix: %sn", postfix); if(postfix == NULL) return NULL; #define push(s) *stackp++ = s #define pop() *--stackp stackp = stack; for(p=postfix; *p; p++){ switch(*p){ default: s = state(*p, NULL, NULL); push(frag(s, list1(&s->out))); break; case '.': /* catenate */ e2 = pop(); e1 = pop(); patch(e1.out, e2.start); push(frag(e1.start, e2.out)); break; case '|': /* alternate */ e2 = pop(); e1 = pop(); s = state(Split, e1.start, e2.start); push(frag(s, append(e1.out, e2.out))); break; case '?': /* zero or one */ e = pop(); s = state(Split, e.start, NULL); push(frag(s, append(e.out, list1(&s->out1)))); break; case '*': /* zero or more */ e = pop(); s = state(Split, e.start, NULL); patch(e.out, s); push(frag(s, list1(&s->out1))); break; case '+': /* one or more */ e = pop(); s = state(Split, e.start, NULL); patch(e.out, s); push(frag(e.start, list1(&s->out1))); break; } } e = pop(); if(stackp != stack) return NULL; patch(e.out, &matchstate); return e.start; #undef pop #undef push } typedef struct List List; struct List { State **s; int n; }; List l1, l2; static int listid; void addstate(List*, State*); void step(List*, int, List*); /* Compute initial state list */ List* startlist(State *start, List *l) { l->n = 0; listid++; addstate(l, start); return l; } /* Check whether state list contains a match. */ int ismatch(List *l) { int i; for(i=0; i<l->n; i++) if(l->s[i] == &matchstate) return 1; return 0; } /* Add s to l, following unlabeled arrows. */ void addstate(List *l, State *s) { if(s == NULL || s->lastlist == listid) return; s->lastlist = listid; if(s->c == Split){ /* follow unlabeled arrows */ addstate(l, s->out); addstate(l, s->out1); return; } l->s[l->n++] = s; } /* * Step the NFA from the states in clist * past the character c, * to create next NFA state set nlist. */ void step(List *clist, int c, List *nlist) { int i; State *s; listid++; nlist->n = 0; for(i=0; i<clist->n; i++){ s = clist->s[i]; if(s->c == c) addstate(nlist, s->out); } } /* Run NFA to determine whether it matches s. */ int match(State *start, char *s) { int i, c; List *clist, *nlist, *t; clist = startlist(start, &l1); nlist = &l2; for(; *s; s++){ c = *s & 0xFF; step(clist, c, nlist); t = clist; clist = nlist; nlist = t; /* swap clist, nlist */ } return ismatch(clist); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; char *post; State *start; if(argc < 3){ fprintf(stderr, "usage: nfa regexp string...n"); return 1; } post = re2post(argv[1]); if(post == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "bad regexp %sn", argv[1]); return 1; } start = post2nfa(post); if(start == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "error in post2nfa %sn", post); return 1; } l1.s = malloc(nstate*sizeof l1.s[0]); l2.s = malloc(nstate*sizeof l2.s[0]); for(i=2; i<argc; i++) if(match(start, argv[i])) printf("%sn", argv[i]); return 0; } /* * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated * documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the * Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall * be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS * OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */
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Team #18836 The Ultimate Brownie Pan
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1023. Have Fun with Numbers (20)
Notice that the number 123456789 is a 9-digit number consisting exactly the numbers from 1 to 9, with no duplication. Double it we will obtain 246913578, which happens to be another 9-digit number consisting exactly the numbers from 1 to 9, only in a different permutation. Check to see the result if we double it again!
Now you are suppose to check if there are more numbers with this property. That is, double a given number with k digits, you are to tell if the resulting number consists of only a permutation of the digits in the original number.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. Each case contains one positive integer with no more than 20 digits.
Output Specification:
For each test case, first print in a line “Yes” if doubling the input number gives a number that consists of only a permutation of the digits in the original number, or “No” if not. Then in the next line, print the doubled number.
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
Yes 2469135798
恩恩,having fun….
int最大值 2147483647
longlong 最大值 9223372036854775807
#includeusing namespace std; char digs_in[20]; int digs_out[30]; short old_nums[10]; short new_nums[10]; int main() { cin >> digs_in; //find ' ' int pos = 0; while(true) { if(digs_in[pos++] == ' ') break; } pos--; //手工做*2... int r = 0; int d = 0; int count = 0; while (pos--) { d = (int)digs_in[pos] - 0x30; //ASCII -> digit old_nums[d] ++; d = d << 1; //d*=2 d += r; r = d / 10; d = d % 10; digs_out[count++] = d; new_nums[d] ++; } if( r > 0) { //最高位 digs_out[count] = r; new_nums[r] ++; } else count --; bool flag = true; for(int i=0; i<10; i++) { if(old_nums[i] != new_nums[i]) { flag = false; break; } } if(flag) { cout << "Yes" << endl; } else { cout << "No" << endl; } for(int i=count; i>=0; i--) cout << digs_out[i]; return 0; }
collect2: 错误: ld 返回 1
后来查了半天发现是链接器要加上参数 -pthread
摘自: 作者: 姚继锋 (2001-08-11 09:05:00)
关键字:Linux 多线程 Pthread semaphore
Linux系统下的多线程遵循POSIX线程接口,称为pthread。编写Linux下的多线程程序,需要使用头文件pthread.h,连接时需要使用库libpthread.a。顺便说一下,Linux下pthread的实现是通过系统调用clone()来实现的。clone()是Linux所特有的系统调用,它的使用方式类似fork,关于clone()的详细情况,有兴趣的读者可以去查看有关文档说明。下面我们展示一个最简单的多线程程序 example1.c。
/* example.c*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
void thread(void)
int i;
for( i = 0;i < 3; i++ )
printf(“This is a pthread.n”);
int main(void)
pthread_t id;
int i,ret;
ret = pthread_create( &id, NULL, (void *)thread, NULL );
if ( ret!=0 ) {
printf (“Create pthread error!n”);
exit (1);
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
printf(“This is the main process.n”);
return (0);
gcc example1.c -lpthread -o example1
This is the main process.
This is a pthread.
This is the main process.
This is the main process.
This is a pthread.
This is a pthread.
This is a pthread.
This is the main process.
This is a pthread.
This is the main process.
This is a pthread.
This is the main process.
typedef unsigned long int pthread_t;
extern int pthread_create __P ((pthread_t *__thread, __const pthread_attr_t *__attr,
void *(*__start_routine) (void *), void *__arg));
extern int pthread_join __P ((pthread_t __th, void **__thread_return));
extern void pthread_exit __P ((void *__retval)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
唯一的参数是函数的返回代码,只要pthread_join中的第二个参数thread_return不是NULL,这个值将被传递给 thread_return。最后要说明的是,一个线程不能被多个线程等待,否则第一个接收到信号的线程成功返回,其余调用pthread_join的线程则返回错误代码ESRCH。
信号量本质上是一个非负的整数计数器,它被用来控制对公共资源的访问。当公共资源增加时,调用函数sem_post()增加信号量。只有当信号量值大于0时,才能使用公共资源,使用后,函数sem_wait()减少信号量。函数sem_trywait()和函数pthread_ mutex_trylock()起同样的作用,它是函数sem_wait()的非阻塞版本。下面我们逐个介绍和信号量有关的一些函数,它们都在头文件 /usr/include/semaphore.h中定义。
extern int sem_init __P ((sem_t *__sem, int __pshared, unsigned int __value));
函数sem_post( sem_t *sem )用来增加信号量的值。当有线程阻塞在这个信号量上时,调用这个函数会使其中的一个线程不在阻塞,选择机制同样是由线程的调度策略决定的。
函数sem_wait( sem_t *sem )被用来阻塞当前线程直到信号量sem的值大于0,解除阻塞后将sem的值减一,表明公共资源经使用后减少。函数sem_trywait ( sem_t *sem )是函数sem_wait()的非阻塞版本,它直接将信号量sem的值减一。
函数sem_destroy(sem_t *sem)用来释放信号量sem。
/* File sem.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#define MAXSTACK 100
int stack[MAXSTACK][2];
int size = 0;
sem_t sem;
/* 从文件1.dat读取数据,每读一次,信号量加一*/
void ReadData1( void )
FILE *fp = fopen( “1.dat”, “r” );
while ( !feof( fp ) )
fscanf( fp, “%d %d”, &stack[size][0], &stack[size][1] );
sem_post( &sem );
void ReadData2( void )
FILE *fp=fopen(“2.dat”,”r”);
while ( !feof( fp ) )
fscanf(fp,”%d %d”,&stack[size][0],&stack[size][1]);
void HandleData1( void )
while( 1 )
sem_wait( &sem );
printf( “Plus:%d+%d=%dn”, stack[size][0], stack[size][1],
stack[size][0]+stack[size][1] );
void HandleData2(void)
while ( 1 )
sem_wait( &sem );
printf( “Multiply:%d*%d=%dn”, stack[size][0],stack[size][1],
stack[size][0]*stack[size][1] );
int main(void)
pthread_t t1,t2,t3,t4;
sem_init( &sem, 0, 0 );
pthread_create( &t1, NULL, (void *)HandleData1, NULL);
pthread_create( &t2, NULL, (void *)HandleData2, NULL);
pthread_create( &t3, NULL, (void *)ReadData1, NULL);
pthread_create( &t4, NULL, (void *)ReadData2, NULL);
/* 防止程序过早退出,让它在此无限期等待*/
pthread_join( t1,NULL );
在Linux下,我们用命令gcc -lpthread sem.c -o sem生成可执行文件sem。 我们事先编辑好数据文件1.dat和2.dat,假设它们的内容分别为1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10和 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 ,我们运行sem,得到如下的结果:
makefile带来的好处就是——“自动化编译”,一旦写好,只需要一个make命令,整个工程完全自动编译,极大的提高了软件开发的效率。make是一个命令工具,是一个解释makefile中指令的命令工具,一般来说,大多数的IDE都有这个命令,比如:Delphi的make,Visual C++的nmake,Linux下GNU的make。可见,makefile都成为了一种在工程方面的编译方法。
现在讲述如何写makefile的文章比较少,这是我想写这篇文章的原因。当然,不同产商的make各不相同,也有不同的语法,但其本质都是在“文件依赖性”上做文章,这里,我仅对GNU的make进行讲述,我的环境是RedHat Linux 8.0,make的版本是3.80。必竟,这个make是应用最为广泛的,也是用得最多的。而且其还是最遵循于IEEE 1003.2-1992 标准的(POSIX.2)。