什么是正则表达式?首先我们看看什么是正则表达式。这个东东呢,一般用于描述一个字符串的集合——直接说就是一个正则表达式可能可以匹配一大堆字符串,而这一大堆字符串可以形成一个集合,它们的共同特征就是可以被这个正则表达式匹配。就像去死去死团,但是不同的是去死去死团的团员的共同特征是不被任何异性所匹配——但是这没关系,我们不妨取去死去死团的补集就行了。 Mar(y|k|cus) is son of bitch. 真是非常de省力,唯一的缺点是可能对方不知道你在说什么。
下面是第三个基本结构,被称为Kleene star (或者 Kleene 闭包)的。因为这个操作是Stephen Cole Kleene发明的。啊啊,其实正则表达式这个东西就是Kleene发明的。这个同学真是非常的牛B,因为他是更加牛B的 阿隆佐 – 丘奇 ( Alonzo Church )——历史上和阿兰 – 图灵 ( Alan Turing ) 并称的人物——的学生。有多牛B呢,这个Kleene还和他的老师,还有图灵,就递归论发表了论文,奠定了可计算理论的根基。啊哈哈哈,真是牛B啊。
当然咯,还有一些别的操作,比如我们知道的+,?,集合[]等等,但是这些操作都可以通过上面三个基本操作的组合来完成。 什么是NFA?要说NFA嘛,我得先说说DFA。所谓DFA,就是Deterministic Finite state Automata的简称。是状态机的一种。通俗的说,就是一大堆状态的集合,里面有一个初始状态和若干终止状态,每个状态可以有若干个输出边前往别的状态。但是要求每个状态的同一种输出边至多只有一个,所以自动机被称为是”Deterministic”的。 如何转换?刚才Shellex说了,正则表达式有三种基本结构。如果能先将这三种基本结构转换成对应的NFA,然后在用这三种基本结构去拼装成完整的NFA是不是很省力呢? PUSH a To automaton stack PUSH b To automaton stack UNION STAR PUSH c To automaton stack CONCAT PUSH d To automaton stack CONCAT POP result 里面的UNION,STAR 和 CONCAT就是三种基本结构的生成操作了。而这三种基本操作的实现是这样的: POP T from automaton stack CREATE state A, B ADD transition from A to B with 'ε' ADD transition from A to T.entry with 'ε' ADD transition from T.exit to A with 'ε' ADD transition from T.exit to B with 'ε' ADD state A, B to T PUSH T to automaton stack Concat: POP F, S from automaton stack ADD transition from F.exit to S.entry with 'ε' JOIN S to F SET F.exit = S.exit SET F.inputSet += S.inputSet PUSH F to automaton stack Union: POP F, S from automaton stack CREATE state A, B ADD transition from A to F.entry with 'ε' ADD transition from A to S.entry with 'ε' ADD transition from T.exit to B with 'ε' ADD transition from T.exit to B with 'ε' JOIN S to F ADD state A, B to T SET F.exit = S.exit SET F.inputSet += S.inputSet PUSH F to automaton stack |
/* Regular expression implementation. * Supports only ( | ) * + ?. No escapes. * Compiles to NFA and then simulates NFA * using Thompson's algorithm. * * See also http://swtch.com/~rsc/regexp/ and * Thompson, Ken. Regular Expression Search Algorithm, * Communications of the ACM 11(6) (June 1968), pp. 419-422. * * Copyright (c) 2007 Russ Cox. * Can be distributed under the MIT license, see bottom of file. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> /* * Convert infix regexp re to postfix notation. * Insert . as explicit concatenation operator. * Cheesy parser, return static buffer. */ char* re2post(char *re) { int nalt, natom; static char buf[8000]; char *dst; struct { int nalt; int natom; } paren[100], *p; p = paren; dst = buf; nalt = 0; natom = 0; if(strlen(re) >= sizeof buf/2) return NULL; for(; *re; re++){ switch(*re){ case '(': if(natom > 1){ --natom; *dst++ = '.'; } if(p >= paren+100) return NULL; p->nalt = nalt; p->natom = natom; p++; nalt = 0; natom = 0; break; case '|': if(natom == 0) return NULL; while(--natom > 0) *dst++ = '.'; nalt++; break; case ')': if(p == paren) return NULL; if(natom == 0) return NULL; while(--natom > 0) *dst++ = '.'; for(; nalt > 0; nalt--) *dst++ = '|'; --p; nalt = p->nalt; natom = p->natom; natom++; break; case '*': case '+': case '?': if(natom == 0) return NULL; *dst++ = *re; break; default: if(natom > 1){ --natom; *dst++ = '.'; } *dst++ = *re; natom++; break; } } if(p != paren) return NULL; while(--natom > 0) *dst++ = '.'; for(; nalt > 0; nalt--) *dst++ = '|'; *dst = 0; return buf; } /* * Represents an NFA state plus zero or one or two arrows exiting. * if c == Match, no arrows out; matching state. * If c == Split, unlabeled arrows to out and out1 (if != NULL). * If c < 256, labeled arrow with character c to out. */ enum { Match = 256, Split = 257 }; typedef struct State State; struct State { int c; State *out; State *out1; int lastlist; }; State matchstate = { Match }; /* matching state */ int nstate; /* Allocate and initialize State */ State* state(int c, State *out, State *out1) { State *s; nstate++; s = malloc(sizeof *s); s->lastlist = 0; s->c = c; s->out = out; s->out1 = out1; return s; } /* * A partially built NFA without the matching state filled in. * Frag.start points at the start state. * Frag.out is a list of places that need to be set to the * next state for this fragment. */ typedef struct Frag Frag; typedef union Ptrlist Ptrlist; struct Frag { State *start; Ptrlist *out; }; /* Initialize Frag struct. */ Frag frag(State *start, Ptrlist *out) { Frag n = { start, out }; return n; } /* * Since the out pointers in the list are always * uninitialized, we use the pointers themselves * as storage for the Ptrlists. */ union Ptrlist { Ptrlist *next; State *s; }; /* Create singleton list containing just outp. */ Ptrlist* list1(State **outp) { Ptrlist *l; l = (Ptrlist*)outp; l->next = NULL; return l; } /* Patch the list of states at out to point to start. */ void patch(Ptrlist *l, State *s) { Ptrlist *next; for(; l; l=next){ next = l->next; l->s = s; } } /* Join the two lists l1 and l2, returning the combination. */ Ptrlist* append(Ptrlist *l1, Ptrlist *l2) { Ptrlist *oldl1; oldl1 = l1; while(l1->next) l1 = l1->next; l1->next = l2; return oldl1; } /* * Convert postfix regular expression to NFA. * Return start state. */ State* post2nfa(char *postfix) { char *p; Frag stack[1000], *stackp, e1, e2, e; State *s; // fprintf(stderr, "postfix: %sn", postfix); if(postfix == NULL) return NULL; #define push(s) *stackp++ = s #define pop() *--stackp stackp = stack; for(p=postfix; *p; p++){ switch(*p){ default: s = state(*p, NULL, NULL); push(frag(s, list1(&s->out))); break; case '.': /* catenate */ e2 = pop(); e1 = pop(); patch(e1.out, e2.start); push(frag(e1.start, e2.out)); break; case '|': /* alternate */ e2 = pop(); e1 = pop(); s = state(Split, e1.start, e2.start); push(frag(s, append(e1.out, e2.out))); break; case '?': /* zero or one */ e = pop(); s = state(Split, e.start, NULL); push(frag(s, append(e.out, list1(&s->out1)))); break; case '*': /* zero or more */ e = pop(); s = state(Split, e.start, NULL); patch(e.out, s); push(frag(s, list1(&s->out1))); break; case '+': /* one or more */ e = pop(); s = state(Split, e.start, NULL); patch(e.out, s); push(frag(e.start, list1(&s->out1))); break; } } e = pop(); if(stackp != stack) return NULL; patch(e.out, &matchstate); return e.start; #undef pop #undef push } typedef struct List List; struct List { State **s; int n; }; List l1, l2; static int listid; void addstate(List*, State*); void step(List*, int, List*); /* Compute initial state list */ List* startlist(State *start, List *l) { l->n = 0; listid++; addstate(l, start); return l; } /* Check whether state list contains a match. */ int ismatch(List *l) { int i; for(i=0; i<l->n; i++) if(l->s[i] == &matchstate) return 1; return 0; } /* Add s to l, following unlabeled arrows. */ void addstate(List *l, State *s) { if(s == NULL || s->lastlist == listid) return; s->lastlist = listid; if(s->c == Split){ /* follow unlabeled arrows */ addstate(l, s->out); addstate(l, s->out1); return; } l->s[l->n++] = s; } /* * Step the NFA from the states in clist * past the character c, * to create next NFA state set nlist. */ void step(List *clist, int c, List *nlist) { int i; State *s; listid++; nlist->n = 0; for(i=0; i<clist->n; i++){ s = clist->s[i]; if(s->c == c) addstate(nlist, s->out); } } /* Run NFA to determine whether it matches s. */ int match(State *start, char *s) { int i, c; List *clist, *nlist, *t; clist = startlist(start, &l1); nlist = &l2; for(; *s; s++){ c = *s & 0xFF; step(clist, c, nlist); t = clist; clist = nlist; nlist = t; /* swap clist, nlist */ } return ismatch(clist); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; char *post; State *start; if(argc < 3){ fprintf(stderr, "usage: nfa regexp string...n"); return 1; } post = re2post(argv[1]); if(post == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "bad regexp %sn", argv[1]); return 1; } start = post2nfa(post); if(start == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "error in post2nfa %sn", post); return 1; } l1.s = malloc(nstate*sizeof l1.s[0]); l2.s = malloc(nstate*sizeof l2.s[0]); for(i=2; i<argc; i++) if(match(start, argv[i])) printf("%sn", argv[i]); return 0; } /* * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated * documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the * Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall * be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS * OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */