
MTurk CLT Java错误解决


C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_40



  1. Go to the C: drive in a windows explorer window, and double click on the mech-turk-tools-1.3.1 folder. Delete the folder called jre1.5.0_06, as this is what is causing the problem.
  2. Make sure you do have a working Java Runtime Environment installed. If you don’t, download the latest one from
  3. Next, go to the control panel and double click on “System” (you may need to change the view to icons at the top right). Then click on advanced system settings and click on the advanced tab.
  4. Click the “Environment Variables” button.
  5. Click the “New…” button under System Variables at the bottom.
  6. Set the variable name as: JAVA_HOME
  7. Se the variable value to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7 (64-bit systems) or C:\Program Files\Java\jre7(32 bit systems, or a 64-bit system with a 64-bit jre)
    1. If you’re unsure whether you are on a 64-bit or a 32-bit system, Windows XP is 32 bit. On Vista, 7 and 8, the System Properties Window in the Control Panel tells you.
  8. Press OK and OK again.
  9. Now go back into the mech-turk-tools-1.3.1 folder, and double click on the “bin” folder. Open up the file and change the service_url lines to usehttps:// rather than http:// (just edit the first part after the = sign). Save and close.

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