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其中m为对手个数, 为与对手B进行比赛的次数; 为本局比赛A的结果(1-胜,0-负)
F是一个常量,(Bashir et al. 2013)中F=200, (Glickman, 1998)中F=400.
The rating algorithm is implemented as follows.
(a) Collect game outcome data over a rating period.
(b) At the end of the period, update players’ rating distributions due to game outcomes from their preperiod (prior) rating distributions.
(c) Subsequently update players’ rating distributions due to the passage of time.
F是一个常量,(Bashir et al. 2013)中F=200, (Glickman, 1998)中F=400.
The rating algorithm is implemented as follows.
(a) Collect game outcome data over a rating period.
(b) At the end of the period, update players’ rating distributions due to game outcomes from their preperiod (prior) rating distributions.
(c) Subsequently update players’ rating distributions due to the passage of time.